About Sarveshwari Devi Ji
Sushri. Sarveshwari Devi Ji affectionately called as Didi is one of the foremost disciples and senior preachers (pracharak) of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. Didi Ji was born and raised in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Didi Ji’s formal education led her to earn a Master degree in Philosophy, providing her with a solid foundation for both intellectual and spiritual pursuits. From a very young age, she was inclined towards spirituality and it was evident that she was destined for something extraordinary.

As Didi Ji grew up her interest in spirituality deepened. Guided by GOD within she felt life has much higher purpose than merely accumulating wealth and fulfilling material desire.She started seeking for a spiritual Master a Guru who could help her in spiritual path to achieve her purpose of GOD realisation. Deep down she was drawn to Shri. Gaurang Maharaphu’s teaching and philosophy. She always prayed to GOD to have a Gopi Prem Prapt Guru.Her prayers were answered when she met Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, a God-realised saint, incarnation (Avtar) of Radha Krishna and seen as the successor to Shri Gaurang Maharaphu.

After meeting with Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, her actual journey towards spirituality begins. Didi Ji then took Sanyas and dedicated her entire life to serving the Guru. Spending years in Vrindavan, Barsana, and Mangarh currently Kripalu Dham in U.P India, she engaged in extensive sadhana bhakti and studied Hindu scriptures like Vedas, Puranas, Geeta, Bhagwat, Ramayan and other scriptures and philosophies. Didi Ji, is among the pracharaks who directly learnt from Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. With Guru’s grace she has acquired and mastered this vast knowledge of scriptures in just brief period of 2 years.After which she was entrusted with the responsibility by her Guru (Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj), of spreading the true knowledge of Hindu Sanatan Vedic Dharma across the world. Since then Didi Ji has been on a mission of serving mankind selflessly for the past 35 years, through her lectures, spiritual discourses, and Sankirtan, she has served different city, villages and states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Delhi in India. After preaching and serving nearly a decade in the USA, Didi Ji is currently engaged in spreading her teaching in Pune, Mumbai Maharashtra and various other states in India.